Monday, November 12, 2012


This morning a lady with an intellectual disability who I've barely spoken to, who hardly speaks anyway, or reacts or smiles when you do speak to her, she pointed to the seat next to her as I was passing by, an invitation for me to sit with her. As the Bible was read she reached for my hand and held it in hers for all the reading and a bit of the sermon. After the sermon had finished, we stood to hug each other, as we do each Sunday, and to wish each other God's peace. Another lady who also has an intellectual disability tried to hug her and she shied away, saying "Don't touch me! Don't touch me! Don't touch me!". The other lady gave her a piece of her mind for being so rude while I tried to explain that it was just that she didn't want to. Later in the service, at the start of the Lord's Supper, the musicians and people helping were invited up to first receive the wine and bread. The lady stood up too. I touched her on the shoulder, letting her know it wasn't time yet, but she kept on walking . . . to where the other lady was sitting, second in from the aisle. She leaned in, kissed her on the cheek, and went and sat with her for the rest of the service.

2 comentarios:

Belén said...

Hola Fiona!

Fran (de Australia)me mostró tu blog y me gustó mucho.
Acabo de leer tu historia. Muy linda.

Te cuento que estoy en mi casa, con licencia médica, por lo que no asistiré a la Iglesia hasta fin de Noviembre.
Un abrazo!!
Belén Hevia.

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...
