Sunday, July 1, 2012

I rock... I suck

I'm at a funny stage in my language learning. For a little while now I've been able to understand pretty much 100% of 40 minute sermons, without making any particular effort. Obviously this is really nice. And yet, I still find that I don't always know what people are saying in conversations - sometimes I can do little more than catch the general topic. It's weird and sometimes discouraging.

The other weird thing is how much the context affects what I can say. In the unreal, quiet, concentration of my Spanish lessons I can say a fair bit and get a good portion of it right. But when I go to speak in a social setting, I find myself incapable of thinking very much at all about how to do it. Most of the grammar I know goes out the window and I'm left forming these ugly, confused sentences, relying on the graciousness and intelligence of my listeners to decipher what I've said. I think it happens because the very fact of being part of a social situation uses a lot of my energy. I think it's to do with being an introvert. Anyway, it's weird and sometimes discouraging.

2 comentarios:

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

Don't be too hard on yourself... imagine how impressed the Fiona of July 2011 would be with the Spanish-speaking/understanding Fiona of July 2012. And imagine how awesomely fluent the Fiona of July 2013 will be! Small steps. Frustratingly small, but in the right direction.

fional said...

Thanks for the encouragement my friend :)