Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Grupo de mujeres / 2

The grupo de mujeres got off to a wonderful start. Because Iglesia Cristo Redentor only begin a year and a half ago, it turns out that many of the women didn't even know each other's names, so it was good just to get to know each other. The church started with about 30 people and is now about 60 or 70 strong. Many of those people are new to the Christian faith and have never opened up a Bible before.

Anyway Betty did a fantastic job of warmly and skillfully leading and teaching the women. We started off as a big group thinking about what being a women means for us (an interesting question in this relatively traditional and often macho culture). Then Betty read Genesis 1:26-31 and spoke about the dignity and wonder of being created in the image of God and given purposeful work to do. We then grabbed all sorts of yummy treats and, as we sat around smaller tables eating, shared how our knowledge of Genesis changes how we see ourselves.

I found myself sitting with some wonderful women who sincerely and humbly told their messy stories and their present struggles. Everyone listened carefully and the more mature passed on encouragement from God's Word. I was even able to explain (simply) how I used to be tough on the outside and lost inside - until Jesus' peace enabled me to be my true, softer self. And while I didn't have the language to teach the other women, I was able to point them to Romans chapter 8, that passage that has been such a comfort and anchor for me.

Please pray that we'll all learn together and love each other more and more as the year progresses!

1 comentarios:

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...


This sounds really lovely. I pray that this group continues to be such a blessing to the ladies involved.