Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Practical theology

Missionary training material often seems to restrict itself to the practical or the psychological - but I've discovered a happy alternative which talks about how the challenges of the missionary life expose what we really believe about God.

Part One is about God's graciousness...
All the normal things from which we gain a sense of worth, success, achievement, competence are stripped away when you move to another culture . . . . You will be unable to do ministry or contribute to church life; . . . . You will feel incompetent to manage ordinary life. (Where do you buy glue? What do you say at a road block? How do you get your washing machine mended?); Your self-justification framework is taken away. Your behaviour will be weird and your productivity will be low.

Part Two is about God's glory...
It is an act of believing the gospel to open up, to be able to say: ‘I’m having a bad day, please pray for me,’ to not feel the need to protect your reputation or project your best.

Part Three is about God's greatness...
[T]here will be many things that are left undone; many suffering people unhelped; many lost people who do not hear the gospel.
That can be difficult to live with. The danger is that it will drive you to over work, over stress, over worry. Or you will push those emotions onto other people – making them feel guilty that they are not doing enough.

Part Four is about God's goodness...
Delight in the city. Be 100 percent there 100 percent of the time.

H/T Rod

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