Wednesday, October 2, 2013

In Which Our Heroine Bids Farewell

I have two confessions to make.

The first is that I've listened to what the right sidebar of this blog has been trying to tell me for a while now - 133 posts last year, 14 so far this year, and something is definitely awry. I think that as much as anything, it has to do with volume. The longer you live in a place, the more stories and knowledge you have to share and the more and more aware you become of the culture's complexities. And suddenly a once straightforward task feels as if it would be either impossible huge or unfairly reductionistic. So, I'm afraid to say I'm calling it a day...

But not before I make my second confession...

... which is that when, in the previous post, I said I had shared my description of Australian culture with "someone", I was actually talking about my boyfriend's Mum. And, smart people that you are, you will see that in order to have 'a boyfriend's Mum', I must have a boyfriend! Well I do, his name is Pablo, and he's a wonderful man and such a blessing to me. So far we have been very good for each other, but it's a pretty crazy thing to even contemplate joining your life with another sinner, and crazier still when they're from another culture. So we would really appreciate your prayers that God will guide our steps and give us all we need to make wise decisions, to treat each other very, very well, to be a blessing to the people around us, and to always love our Lord Jesus even more than we love each other.

... and so this is it folks. Thanks for reading - I also send out monthly updates via email, so if you'd like to receive those, just let me know in the comments section. Be assured that I love you guys!

3 comentarios:

Melanie said...

Fiona Polola!!!

Diony McPherson said...

We're all thinking of you here Fiona! Congrats on the lovely man :) We'll keep sending out your emails to the church family. Please know that we are praying for you and the work you're doing and that we love you. God bless!

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

Wow! The end of an era. Good call, but I *will* miss your thoughts as written here.