Monday, September 10, 2012

Kicking out from the shallows

Learning Spanish makes me feel like a teenager again. I can remember reading book after book and discovering all the new words. I remember the thrill of these possibilities and how I never looked them up but took note of them and got a sense of them as I came across them again and again. So that today it's rare for me to discover an unfamiliar English word.

And now I get to do the whole thing again! And at the end of it all, I'll have added another world of language to my brain. I'll get to read Gabriel García Márquez as he wrote, plus all sorts of authors never translated into English. With a bit of luck, I'll work out how to express myself in this new language, what possibilities it holds. The only thing is, I hope my enfeebled memory can do the job.

2 comentarios:

Melanie said...

hefega4oh wow I cant even read Gabriel Garcia Marquez in English some times ( note 100 yrs of solitude) so a big good luck & good work on your Spanish!!! ps, Gabriel Garcia Marquez is Colombian :) I know thgat you know that but every Colombian would say that even if you knew, to make sure, & in case someone is hearing that doesn't know :P)

fional said...