Monday, June 25, 2012

Chile para niños

Chile para niños is an awesome kids' website. I should probably use it myself to get to know the history and stories of this land. Everything down the left-hand column is brilliant for English speakers. You can find desert flowers, volcanos, football, museums, and famous people and places. Click on something (including Tesoros de Chile) and a new page will come up. There'll be lots of Spanish writing, but don't freak out - click on Música or Fotos, Juegos or Animación - you don't need Spanish for (most of) these. Another page will come up and you'll probably need to click one of the pictures to make the photo (etc) appear.

Another cool place to go is the horizontal bar that runs across the top of the page. Click on Juegos and you will find all sorts of games (including the wonderful Juego de los absurdos). Click on Baul and you can find Fotos or Dibujos (drawings) from real Chilean kids. ¡Disfrutenlo!

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